The Berkshire Eagle from Pittsfield, Massachusetts (2024)

o' Media the Web: C4 The Berkshire Eagle, Monday, April 15, 2002 Berkshire Cable HighlightsMonday Hail and farewell 'Once and Again' Commentary Throughout its three-year run, the ABC series has been among prime time's finest hours. Pittsfield Community Television Pcheduled today in Pittsfield, Dalton and Richmond on TimeWamer Cable Chan el 16: 4 p.m. East West Well Being. (Also at 5 and 9 pm. and 3 and 7 am.) 4,00 Your Positive Astrology.

(Also at 11 p.m. and 7,00 Berkshire Health Program. (Also at 10 p.m., midnight and 4 a.m.) Northern Berkshire Community TelevisionANilliNet dch ed I ed today in North Adams, Adams, Cheshire, Clarksburg and Williamstown on Adelphia Cable Channel 15, except as indicated: 5:30 p.m. Bread of Life. 6:00 Mangle, Mangle with Becca.

6,20 The Road to Clean Elections. Channel 17 in Williamstown only. 6:30 Catholic Identity. 7:00 G.O.A.L. 1,00 Williamstown School Committee.

March 26. Channel 17 in Williamstown only. 7:30 Animal Prose USA. 8:30 Williamstown Selectmen. Taped April 8.

Channel 17 in Williamstown only. 9:00 Sole Fide. -Television for the Southern Berkshires Scheduled today in Great Barrington, Lee, Lenox, Sheffield and Stockbridge on Century Berkshire Cable Channel 11, except as indicated: 8 a.m. Mount Everett Morning Show: Noon Berkshire Hills Regional School Committee. 1,30 At YouroService.

From BCC. (Also at 2:30 a.m.) 3,00 Lee High School Band Concert. (Also at 3 a.m.) koo Great Barrington Land Conservancy. (Also at 4 a.m.) 5,30 Elizabeth Freeman Center. (Also at 5:30 a.m.) 6,30 "Getting to Know You (Also at 5:30 am.) 7:00 Great Barrington Selectmen.

(Also at 7 a.m.) 10 :00 it Is Written. shaping each episode with a theme, rather than simply unfolding plotlines in the manner of a soap opera. The acting, tob, has flourislied. Evan Rachel Wood, as JiSie, has done indelible work as a daughter of divorce whose life feels out of her control. This season, Wood was subtle and sSrmpathetic in a plotline about Jessie's nascent lesbian feelings.

Julia Whelan brought out some of Grace's cruel streak this year, as well as her literary bent As Lily's sister, Judy, Mann Hinkle nicely captured the anxiety of a single person who knows her own tomantic pattern but can't escape it. And as Rick's depressed ex, Karen, Susanna Thompson delivered some of the show's rawest moments ever. Despite the fact that ABC doofned the show by rescheduling it once too often, "Once and Again" has gained a fiercely loyal following since its 1999 premiere. Recently, 23,500 fans signed an online petition to save their show. But -that gesture, so heartfelt, may be misguided.

There certain- ly isn't enough good television on the air. But the solution is not to drag out good shows until we can't wait-for them to leave. By Matthew Gilbert The Boston Globe Cl9se your eyes and imagine theBeatles in 1979 on an American "RetInvasion!" tour with the Rolling Stones, promoting the release of their 25th album, "Magical History Tour." Imagine the graying John Lennon. and Paul McCartney harmonizing once again on "From Me to You." Imagine a fog of dry ice from which the boys emerge in starched white suits. Now open your eyes.

It's not a popular point of view, but sometimes premature endings are a wonderful thing. a gift. Sometimes we're better off longing to hear more Beatles -music than watching a great rock band become a corporate-driven parody of itself. Sometimes, in an age when profits drive pop culture far' beyond its lifespan and when four "Star Wars" just isn't enough, less is definitely more. But this article is about television aand ABC's premature cancellation of "Once and Again," which will air its series finale tonight from 10-11 on WEN, Channels 10 and 19, Albany, N.Y., and WCVB, Channel 5, Bo'stonIt'.

Throughout its three-year run, "Once and Again" produced by Edward Zwick and Marshall Herskovitz of "thirtysomething" and "My So-Called Life" has been among prime time's finest hours. The writers have elevated the divorce drama into a study of how our emotional lives are intricately interconnected. And the acting ensemble, which has grown to Robert Altman-esque proportions, hasbeen consistently amazing. Expanding outward from Billy Campbell's Rick and Sela Ward's Lily, it has become a community of finely drawn ex-spouses. siblings, stepchildren, bosses, teachers, and lovers.

Now that ABC is forcing us to Radio HighlightsMonday ulations still suffer because they went down' the tubes Vihile (in the tube. "Once and Again" fans need to remember that most premises don't have enough depth to inspire writers for more than 100 episodes, or approximatelyfour network years. HB9 has the right idea, making 13-episode seasons for its most popular dramas, "The Sopranos" and "Six Feet Under." This limited number gives the producers and writers enough time to make each hour meaningful, without to stretch out or water down the material to fill 22 episodes. It also leaves us wanting more. Before "Once and Again," the last network series to leave me wanting more was NBC's high-school dramedy "Freaks and Geeks," survived for only one abbreviated season on NBC.

The premature cancellation was a crying shame and yet that one season was so special, it's hard to imagine a second year ever coming close. Maybe NBC did us a favor by sparing us a sophom*ore disappointmentand by giving us a cult classic all the more valuable for being rare. Maybe we should think of "Freaks and Geeks" and "Once and Again" as extended' miniseries. There's no question that "Once and Again" is going out on top. The series has aired some of its sharpest episodes this season, particularly those featuring the children.

More than ever, writers have avoided easy answers and allowed their characters an unusual amount of complexity for TV. They have also hit their stride in say farewell, we need -to remember that three years of top-notch "Once" and Agar" is to frown about. Think of "Friends," currently in its eighth year and a few seasons past its freshness date. The Thursday-night gang of six, once so kooky and coolly coifed, is looking much too long in the tooth to be so short on brain cells. And the "Friends" plot twists Joey loves Rachel? practically-lie down and beg a big old shark to jump over them.

Too many strong serie's have similarly stayed too long on the air, from "Homicide," which lost its beautiful ambiguities, by its last season, to "ER," which continues to need -plot-development surgery. Once a sci-fi adventure witha promising mythology, "Tile X-Files" long ago deteriorated into atmospheric 'nonsense. And "Ally McBeal," so engaging during its first two seasons, become tedious and redundant, The medium' of commercial television lends itself far too easily to this kind of creative overextension. As long as-a show has enough viewers to attract advertising money, the networks will try to keep it alive regardless of its quality. was highly unusual when Jerry Seinfeld decided to end "Seinfeld" despite its No.

1 rating and NBC's high-priced offers. Seinfeld realized that the sitcom's characters and scripts were increasingly formulaic. and that too many mediocre later years could taint the show's afterlife as a classic. Series such as "Murphy Brown" and "Mad About You" are good examples of p-hose re p-hose rep 5:00 WUPE (FM 95.9) Alex in the Morning. Alex Seseske with music and sports; Larry Krat4 with news and radar weather (Daily, until 9).

5:96 WBRK (AM 1340) America in the Morning. News and information, hosted by Jim (Daily. until 6) 5:10 WSBS (AM 860) Nick Diller and Tom Jay. Local news, sports, weather, world news. front AP radio news, local interviews and information 6:00 WAMC (FM 90.3), WAMO (FM 105.1) Morning Edition.

Newsmagazine from with world and national news, regional 'news and weather from WAMC, plus business, sports. and commentary. (Daily, until 9). 6:00 WBEC (AM 1420), V1NNZ (AM 640), WOFX (AM 980), WEAN (AM 660) Imus In the Morning. Four-hour mix of news, sports and humor.

(Daily) 6:10 WBRK-AM The Rick Beltaire Radio Program. A blend of news, weather, sports, music and commentary by Charles Osgood and others. (Daily, until 9) 8.30 WNAW (AM 1230), WMNB (FM 100.1) Opinion Show. Dr. Cass Ingram.

9:06 WBRK-AM The Dan Valenti Show. Open lines at 443-9275. 10:00 WMHT (FM 89.1) Performance Today. Daily two-hour NPR mix of classical music tapfid at concerts, interviews with artists, news and features about classical music, other feattbres, and NPR hourly news. 1005 WBEC-AM Dr.

Dean Edell. Medical advice arid cgmmeptary plus phone calls. (Daily) 11:05 WBRK-AM, WBEC-AM, WNAW, WTIC (AM 1080), WABC (AM 770) Major League Baseball. New York Yankees at Boston Red Sox. 5:15 WBRK-AM Calling All Sports.

Sports talk show, hosted by the former Pittsfield Astros radio broadcaster Eric Kopf, with local, regional. and national sports topics. (Monday through Friday) 7:30 WBRK-AM NBA Basketball. Boston Celtics at Minnesota Timberwolves. Tanglewood series broadcast on Web "Music from Tanglewood," a 13-week series featuring perform- ances from last summer's season of the Boston Symphony and the Tanglewood Music Center chestras, is available on the In- 1 ternet via INQXRcom.

The York City radio station, which is not available over the air in the Berkshires, has developed a major following on the Internet, and is one of the top five "audio streams" on the web, according to ratings services. The one-hour programs are offered Sundays at 5 p.m. For Your Online Horoscope, Consult MONDAY, APRIL 159 2002 KIN Pik 111 I A lit A Firing 4 01 Pt a 491 When the moon slips into social Gemini, you'll find yourself in the mood for Spontaneous visits, last-minute parties and tons of unusual conversations. Enjoy today's pleasant diversions with a smile. Just when you were getting sick and tired of herd work, the Gemini moon teaches you how to play hard and truly succeed.

Go for your goals! ARIES (March 21-April 19). Connect your head and your heart this morning. surprised if you find yourself expressing your feelings fluidly. Demand faithfulness from your current romantic partner, Make vacation plans now, or you'll miss Out on fun and excitement. TAURUS (April 20-May 20).

Find ways to structure your time more efficiently than you have been lately. You'll emerge as the new leader at work. Take action, or your mate will let things drift. Hosting travelers are featured tonight. Maintain fantastic balance in your life.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Luck will be yours when you accept where you are now, instead of wishing you were somewhere else. Joyously use your current knowledge as a stepping stone. Be persistent in love. You can convince a reluctant companion to go Out.

CANCER (June 22-July 22). A beautiful environments a necessity for your positive attitude. Increase vitality by moving more quickly and decisively. Resolve arguments by letting your guard down. Hunt for long-lost objects to obtain a sense of well-being, LEO (July 23-Aug.

22). Work without your business partnersIor best results this afternoon. What you pitt on paper is very lucky. A loved one won't know that he or she has hurt your feelings unless you say something. Let others learn their pwn lessons.

TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (April 15). Life springs to life as odd as that may seem. Seize terrifis chances for a passionate life immediately! You'll know the secret to romance this year. but it's worth repeating that love is an inside job." Start at home by falling deeply, madly and profoundly in love with yourself. June will provide plenty of outside stimuli, naipety in the form of a Pisces love interest.

Your lucky numbers are: 11, 29, 34, 20 and 17. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You'll only get one shot to present your ideas, so make the' first and last sentence of your presentation outstanding.

Your enemies might become yaur biggest and best supporters. Something needs repairing at home. Get to it! LIBRA (Sept. 23-06t. 231.

Power shifts will raise your status at work. You may be surrounded by people with bad attitudes. but you'll be the one to turn them around. Style is sometimes more important than tact. Cure yourself of arlunhealthy eating habit now.

SCORPIO (Oct. Socializing builds clientele. Outside pressures don't have to be your main influence. Try not to do thingsthe way everybody else does. Your menantic partner will devise simple tests to determine the depth of your commitment.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Asking the right questions to the right people will give you a reputation for brilliance and insight. The fastest way to success is to team up with like-minded individuals.

Your sweetie is excited about going on a dream vacation with you. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22Jan. 19). Let others help you create a plan that's worth your time, money and effort.

Determination may attract a promotion or additional income. Singles: You'll meet a cutie by maintaining a sense of humor. Your generosity will be reciprocated. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.

18). Having a heart-to-heart talk with your boss will clear the air. Your reputation may grow. A friend may change his or her story a few times tonight, so keep asking questions until you understand the dynamics of the narrative process. PISCES (Feb.

19-March 20). A temporary job may become permanent. Don't 121elieve in the rules. Just get busy, and surprise everyone by doing things your own way. You aren't responsible for your panner's actions, so don't accept the Travel now! ASTROLOGICAL QUESTIONS: "First.

I want to thank you for your encouraging columns. What is the significance of Pluto transiting one's Saturn? I Was born on July 15, 1958. I will graduate with my first bachelor's degree this spring, and will move to-pursue a career. I am curious about everything. Will I find the job, home and love that I want?" For you, this conjunction represents big changes on many levels.

Your career change, may alter your life's goals. Ask more of yourself, and ambitiously go after the dreams that may, even for now, seem utterly unrealistic. Getting Out of a long-term restriction is also important during this transit. You can do this through therapy, moving ot getting away from tbxic people. You are taking all the right steps, and I think you know it will work opt.

Love will come when you are hitting your stride, comfortable in y5ur job choice and feeling fabulous about your surroundings. You'll have a flirty month in July that nets you a romantic potential. cgLEBRITY Quaid's ever-evolving love life will make the papers again this year. When an Aries falls in love. it happens very fast.

Aries is a passionate b(rth sign. Natives of this sign will find that no matter how many times they've been burned past, going slowly into love is practically impossible. Quaid's sensitive Cancer moon and open-minded Mars in Sagittarius reveal him to be capable of intense focus, which he will use to make a much-talked-about career move in August. If you would like to write to Joyce Jillson, please go to www.creators.comand click on "Write the Author" on the Joyce Jillson page, or you may send her a postcard in the mail. To find out more about Joyce Jillson and read her past columns, visit the Syndicate Web page at

COPYRIGHT 2002 JOYCE JILLSON DISTRIBUTED BY CREATORS SYNDICATE, INC. RRIMETIME A 'V 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:30 11:30 I 1 IlIefizi Et N14 1 sO Hollywoodl 0 1 i Yes, Dear Baby Bob Everybody Becker Reggie Family Law 'Ties That Bind" News (CC) (:35) Late 0 WBZ 4 q. 0Entertainme Greg's work Walter inks Loves helps Jake Handl debates whether her 3814660 3823318 Show AP 1 0 WFSB 3 Ea 0 Edition nt Tonight (N) promotion is Gary Coleman Raymond attain a lifelong cousin can properly care for her 3052844 (CC) 54558979 3 11 592 950 debated. (N) 11 as client. (N) Day" goal.

(N) 11. ill mother. (N) 11 'PG (CC) 7825 54527009 1 0 WRGB -8" 6 0 (6) 6 Everybody. 0 Frasier PG 5134 7592 II. PG 4641' PG (CC) 8825 'PG 82202 9283 69399 31231950 Raymond PG 'PG 2318.

7370 3399 6405 59 23009 84660 20486 i) Chronicle 2 Frasier 2 C)Americas Funniest Bachelor The final four females Once and Again "Chance of a News (CC) (:35) Nightline 0 WCVB 5 0 71283 "Good Home Videos Presents the prepare to take Alex borne to Lifetime" Rick- is offered a job on 3054202 2593329 (CC) 53970115 1 3 WGGB (12) 3 Seinfeld Samaritan(' 11 Greatest Videos of All Time 11 meet their families. (N) 11 'PG another continent and Lily has 2879863 91539047 I 'PG 668950 'PG' (CC) 'PG' (CC) 551221 19318 (CC) 51370 548757 99554 some big news too. (N) 'PG' 12271863 0 WTEN ..10 E0 (10) to gly Wheel of 399318 1 (CC) 61757 541844 92641 1 Fortune 6592 C1 Jeopardy! ili) )Friends II Fear-Factor The fear of pc Third Watch Sully is aghast Crossing Jordan The death of News (CC) 35) Toni ht (D WNYT 'IA 13 ea (13)- J3 Entertainment (TC 7 nudity, (N) 11 '14' (CC) 280M when he learns that a hero is an arrogant mentor compels 7793660 8788641 Show (N)i) OA WWLP 14' El (21 Tonight A Jeopardy! 51950 wanted for murder, (N) 11 '14' Jordan to recall her career path. '14' 47544370 a Wheel of (CC) 99047 (CC) 48844 48486 (N) '14' 41931 41573 18685196 0 WGBY )2' 2 la (5) Newshour With Jim Lehrer Antiques Roadshow "Boston. Masterpiece Theatre The Way Becoming Van Gogh (N) 1 'G' Charlie Rose (N) 11 (CC) 75134 (CC) 35370 Massachusetts- (N) 'G' 51318 We Live Now" (N) 'PG, (CC) 34641 WEWB ,4 1111 El 45 Carey 11' pp 59rCsas 4r Carey I 1 1 7.

th Heaven "Lip Service" (N) Angel "For w9 in 11 '14' Blind Date 5th Wheel Married With MASH PG' Drew 3 (CC) 26202 (CC) 13738 (CC) 4-8009 57757 'PG (CC) 14115 0) WMHT 14 Ea (5) 5 News-Lehrer New York's Antiques Roadshow "Boston, Masterpiece Theatre The Way Becoming Van Gogh (N) 11 'G' Auction New York's Wine Country Massachusetts" (N) G' 13776 We Live Now (N) PG (CC) 12329 Preview 79844 Wine Country 0 WPIX 0 (11) Friends A Everybody- 7th Heaven "Li Service; 11 An el "For ivin '14' WB11 News at Ten WY Kai Friends PG Everybody- 11 M478 Raymond ID '9 tY ymond PG (CC) 20824 (CC) 86080 Tong and Jim Watkins (CC) 62912 Raymond 'PG' 0 ws" Es 0 (4) 3 (Frasier c) 34 PG (Fal 20ise1-2 5 PG likiue7le5y: 'PG' One 57 nepon One (PkeirosP3G' 2nds 11. News 80405 Entertainment 5th Wheel Shipmates Girlfriends ight 66825 223113 Seinfeld 'PG' Just Shoot Me Ally McBeal "Love Is All Around" A co*cky attorney causes havoc News (CC) News (CC) (:05) Seinfeld (:35) Spin City G. WXXA 8 0 (31 8 (CC) 55115 'PG (CC) lin Allys 'professional and personal life. IN) '14 59592 79931 1218844 'PG 1804405 I I Three Stooges (CC) 911689 0 -Homed and Juliet" (1968. Drama) Leonard Whiting, Olivia Hussey, Backstory (N) 0 "Daisy Miller" (1974) AMC (36) .0 (52) 32 Milo O'Shea.

Franco Zeffirelifs adaptation of Shakespeare's tragedy. 309757 (CC) 420912 Cybill Shepherd, Barry Brown. (CC) 513757 The View Andie MacDowII: Biography 'Mang Thomas' (N) Investigative Reports (N) (cc) Investigative Reports (N) (CC) Law Order "Kids" A (CC) 51 0 (50)- 25 George Lopez. '14' 544931 'G' 560979 540115 543202 951467 BET 62 106 Park 0 "Cooley High" (1975. Comedy-Dramai Glynn Turman, 635399 Comicview 831825 Nightly News BET Tonight RI Street Blues "Nutcracker 0 "The Stepfather" (1987) Terry O'Quinn.

A psychopath Musicians 215863 1 Inside theActors Studio BRAVO Ea 59 47 Suite" 216592 15 obsessed with having-an ideal family. 'Fr 203028 Dennis Quaid. 830221 CNN 46 34 0 (27) 21 Crossfire (Live) (CC) 197047 Live The Point 'Lary King Live (CC) 186931 Newsnight 196318 Crossfire (CC) Moneyline Daily Show Beat the Let's Bowl (N) Whose Line? Whose Line? Whose Line? Lewis Black. Corn-Presents Dail Show Saturday Ni ht COM (36 Rin 1111 (15) PG( 2439919 Geeks (N) (CC) 8548569 'PG' 'PG' 'PG Taxed 'PG' 'PG9510080 Live '14 i 0 "Under Wraps" (1997, Adventure) Adam 005) "Tru Confessions" (2002, Drama) Clara Bryant, Shia 0(20) "Star Kid" (1997, Adventure) DIS 56 0 (41) 37 Wylie. Three friends help a mummy search for his LaBeout.

Mare Winningham. A teen. makes a film about her devel- Joseph Mazzello. A shy boy conquers his fears long-lost love. (CC) 9705202 opmentally disabled fNin.

(CC) 11639467 with the help of a robot. 'PG' (CC) 20261365 DSC 39 (39) 24 River Dinosaur 559863 Ailosaurbs: A Walking With Moby Dick: The True Story Quest for the Giant Squid 'G' Allosaurus: A Walking With (377 ca i Dinosaurs Special 'G' 535283 555047 558134 Dinosaurs Special 'G' 966399 ESPN '24. 26 0 (22) 18 Major League Baseball Atlanta Braves at New York Mets. From Shea Stadium in Flushing, N.Y. Baseball Tonight (N) (CC) Sportscenter (CC) 317009 (Subject to Blackout) (Live) (CC) 254028 916134 ESPN2 27 E9 (23) NFL 2Night (N) Pardon the High School basketball Slam Strongest Man Strongest Man Strongest Man Strongest Man Strongest Man Pardon the i 1315912 Interruption Jain (N) 1651554 Interruption 30 Home Videos FAM 35., 41 (45) Home Videos 0 "The Princess Bride" (1987, Fantasy) Cary Elwes, Whose Line? Whose Line? 700 Club (CC) 164979 al I 'G' 'G' Mandy Patinkin.

Chris Sarandon. 539134 'PG' 'PG' FX '31, 60 Ea Butty the Vampire Slayer '14' lilltSH PG M'A'Sft 'PG' Practice '14' (CC) 8811405 'PG 'PG 24 A '14' (CC) 8423757 I 0(15) "Terminal Velocityd (1994. Adventure) Charlie Band of Brothers A 'MA (CC) "Say It Isn't So" (2001, Comedy) HBO 76-, 68 0 (20) 15 Sneer'. Nastassja Kinski. A sky diver investigates the mysterious 2060573 Chris Klein.

An orphan's new lover may really be "The Craft" 'A' i death of a student. 'P0-13' (CC) 99881467 his long-lost sister. A 'R' (CC) 53884080 16280486 HIT 39, 45 Cla (51) 4-7 Sports Cars 'G (CC) 8824979 Secret Passages (N) 'G' (CC) Antarctica: A Frozen History The race to be the first to the pole History vs. Hollywood 'PG 9 claims lives. (N) 8803486 (CC) 8425115 i 0 6 1 5 4 "You're a Big Dinner for Fivel 0 "Swimming With Sharks" (1995) (:15) Monaco At the Dinner for Five 0 "Nil IFC 0 Boy Now (1966, Comedy) (CC) 1866950 1Kevin Spacey.

A Hollywood hotshot endlessly tor- Love poems. Angelika 'PG (CC) 3123592 by Mouth" Elizabeth Hartman. an. 39561028 ments his eager assistant. 47359573 43228196 5593757 28824776 Intimate (N Port) Portrait (CC) Angie 11 Unsolved Mysteries 531592 0 "A Murderous Affair The Carolyn Warmus Story" (1992, Golden Girls Golden Girls LIFE 25 0 (48) 27 Drama) Virginia Madsen, Chris Sarandon.

(CC) 541979 PG 897660 'PG' 401912 Broken Silence "Hungary: Eyes 0 "Cast Away" (2000. Drama) Tom Hanks, Helen Hunt. Nick Searcy. A 0 .4 "The Cable Guy" (1996) Jim Caney. MAX In 74 0 (21) 16 of the Holocaust" (N) 11 (CC) courier company is marooned on a remote island.

It 'PG-la (cc) A cable television technician invades an archii 524202 912370 tects life. 'PG-13' (CC) 3083196 Major ForLeenawgauy Park in epBaaseballoto Boston York Yankees 284 12 es at Boston Red Sort. 47 News ESPNews ESPNews ESPNews ESPNew NESN .35. 52 la (17) 381370 307318 123283 564776 I NICK. -33 58 0 43 31 Hey Arnold! Rugrats 'Y' Spongebob As Told by 'Cosby Show Cosby Show- Cheers (CC) Cheers A All in the All in the 'Y' 640554 (CC) 397950 Sq.

'Y' Ginger (CC) (CC) 810486 (CC) 719318 166270 (CC) 366478 Family 815931 Family 221738 SCIFI 61 54 Ea 34 Star Trek A (CC) Star Trek 11 (CC) Star Trek "Mirror. Mirror A Star Trek 'Amok Time" (CC) Crossing 'PG' Crossing 'PG' "Drop Dead 0 "The Queens of Comedy" (2001, Comedy) Movie News: Queer as Folk (iTV) fl 'MA' Beverly Hills Beverly Hills SHOW '72, 73 Elj (18) 12 Fred" (1991, Comedy) Phoebe ay. Comics Laura Hayes. MoNique. Sommore Changing (CC) 198776 Bordello 'MA' Bordello 'MA' (CC) 61967467 and others perform.

'IT (CC) 318711 Lanes 328080 464221 863738 i Tri-Star Racing Last Word IN) NBA Basketball Boston Celtics at Minnesota Timberwolves. From the Target Celtics Best Damn Sports Show SPORTS '26 35 Ell (25) 690405 Center in Minneapolis. (Subject to Blackout) (Live) 356370 Postgame Period (N) 741125 TLC ,40,, 38 0 46 61 Daring Capers 'PG'. 878221 Code Blue: Baptism by Fire Labor Delivery 'Count on Christie's Story (CC) 877592 Code Blue: Baptism by Fire (N) 854641 Me" 874405 294405 TCM 58. 61 "Nancy Goes to Rio" Boy" (1939, Drama) William Holden, Barbara Lady Eve" (1941) Barbara Stanwyck.

An Our (1950) Ann Sothern. Stanwyck, An aspiring musician becomes a prizefighter. ing cardsharp and a naive millionrd romance. 01:15) "After Hours" (1985, Comedy) Griffin Dunne, 0 "8 Million Ways to Die" (1986, Mystery) Jeff Bridges, )- "A Rock and a Hard TMC '24, 72 Ea (19) Rosanna Arquette. Ted Garr.

A man is plunged into the crazy Rosanna Arquette, Andy Garcia, An ex-lawman and a' prostitute Place" (1997, Adult) Frank 1 world of lower Manhattan, 'R' (CC) 45671979 sleuth a hooker's murder. 'A' 842931 Rodriquie. 11 'A' (CC) 573844 Robot Wars: Extreme Warriors Star Trek: The Next WWF Raw Scheduled: counting down to the Hulk Ho an-Tri le (' .05 Star Trek. The Next TNN 55:. 29 03 (38) 26 'PG 850825 Generation 11 (CC) 869573 match at Backlash.

(Live) 11 '14' (CC) 378592 Generation 11(CC) 8136554 i TNT '27i 31 Ea (32) 29 Pretender 'Red Rock Jarod" (.1 Law order Iforn Baby Burn" Law Order 'Collision' A '14' Law Order 'Hate" '14' Figure Skating Champions on '14' (CC) 876863 11 '14' (CC) 852283 (CC) 872047 (CC) 875134 Ice. (CC) 340115 USA "28, 24 aj (33) 33 JAG "A ainst All Enemies" A Nash Bridges "Lost and Found" 0 "Invasion U.S.A." (1985) Chuck Norris. A former agent JAG 'Contemptuous Words" A PG' (C) 182115 '14' (CC) 191863 goes into action when Soviets invade the U.S. 194950 'PG' (CC) 515689 1 WEDG 'E) Star Trek: Voyager "Basics, Hughleys A One on One Parkers A Girlfriends A Mad TV A (CC) Jerry Springer 'Springer's Sex Part 'PG-V' (CC) 'PG' (CC) 11-PG' (CC) 'PG' (CC) '14' (CC), Circus." A '14' (CC) WTBS :15: 19 al (7) 2 Major League Baseball Atlanta Braves at New York Meta. From Shea Stadium in Flushing, N.Y.

0 .4 "The Quick and the Dead" (1995, Western) (PA) I (Live) (CC) 447776 Sharon Stone, Gene Hackman, Russell Crowe. (CC) 387660 kL two For your personalized horoscope 1-900-786-JOYCE 1-900-786-5692 99f per minute. Callers must be 18 or older. Abracadata Sherman Oaks, CA A Time Warner; Adelphia North County; Adelphia South County; West Stockbridge; Hinsdale; Refer to Conversion Chart for Lanesboro Channels. 41502 I 9.

The Berkshire Eagle from Pittsfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.